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Rail talent of the year Matthew Harteveld about the European Year of Skills

We are delighted to support the European Year Of Skills and promote the rail freight sector across Europe. Rail freight is a key driver of Europe’s strategic goal of smart, green and sustainable growth. Responsible for less than 2% of final energy consumption in transport, rail will be the backbone of tomorrow’s environmentally friendly European transport system. However, the sector is also currently facing a severe skills shortage as a large part of the workforce will retire in the next 10 years, just when technological developments require more skills.

Rail is therefore the future of transport and youth is the future of rail. Where rail is the driver for more sustainable and innovative transport, young people are the driver for sustainable innovations in rail.

Join as a young professional

Are you a young professional working in the rail freight sector? And do you want to know more about what we can do for you and vice versa? Then get in touch with us. Of course, you can also sign up directly as an ambassador!

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Heb je vragen over het initiatief Rail Freight, The Future is Ours? Wil je ambassadeur worden? Of overweeg je om goederen per spoor te vervoeren? Neem dan contact met ons op. Laat een bericht met jouw gegevens achter en we nemen binnen 2 werkdagen contact met je op.

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