Young professionals

We actively engage with young professionals from the Rail Freight sector to highlight how the sector is working on innovation, what products are transported by rail, and what skills make this sector so interesting and challenging.

EU Year of Skills

The year 2023 is dedicated to the European Year of Skills. With this theme, we aim to give a new impetus to achieving sustainable and digital transition. Because the rail sector is facing a growing skills shortage as a large portion of its workforce is retiring, just as technological developments require more skills, we aim to actively connect young professionals and emerging talents within the European rail sector.

Are you a young professional working in Rail Freight? Make sure to join us and join our yearly event in Brussels. 

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Facts & figures

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Europese Commissie keurt 22,5 miljoen steun vervoerssector goed.

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Contact us

Do you have questions about the initiative Rail Freight, The Future is Ours? Would you like to become an ambassador? Or are you considering transporting goods by rail? Then please contact us. Leave a message with your details and we will contact you within 2 working days.